
The trustee board of the NEUPS is to be comprised of:


5 Employer Nominated Trustees (ENTs), and

5 Member Nominated Trustees (MNTs):

2 non-pensioner (former ex-ATLPS members)

2 non-pensioner (former ex-NUTSSF members)

1 pensioner member (including dependent pensioners) from either Scheme


First Actuarial were appointed to oversee a nomination and ballot process for the purpose of determining the MNT positions. The non-pensioner MNT positions were filled without a ballot, as insufficient nominations were received to require one. A nomination process will be repeated in the near future for the unfilled former-NUTSSF MNT position.


Four nomination forms were received for the pensioner MNT position, and a ballot was carried out using the single transferable vote system. The successful candidate was Barry Fawcett. A full breakdown of the step-by-step election results is available. If you would like details of the breakdown of results, you can find it in the Documents section or contact First Actuarial here.


We are pleased to confirm that your NEU Pension Scheme Trustees are:

Employer Nominated Trustees


Jerry Glazier (ENT)

Hazel Danson (ENT)

Heather McKenzie (ENT)

Robin Bevan (ENT)

Julie Huckstep (ENT)

Member Nominated TrusteesPhilip Dixon (former ATLPS non-pensioner MNT)

Mark Wright (former ATLPS non-pensioner MNT)

Andrew Morris (former NUTSSF non-pensioner MNT)

Barry Fawcett (pensioner MNT)

1 vacant position (former NUTSSF non-pensioner MNT)