

The NEU Pension Scheme is looked after by a board of Trustees, with help from specialist advisers. The Trustees are responsible for key decisions about how to invest the Scheme’s money, making sure the Scheme is well funded, making decisions about some member benefits and making sure benefits are paid on time and in full. 


The Trustee Board of the NEUPS is made up of 5 Member Nominated Trustees (MNTs), nominated and elected by the membership, and 5 Employer-Nominated Trustees (ENTs).


The 5 MNTs will be nominated and elected as follows:


4 active members of the NEU Pension Scheme (current NEU employees)

1 pensioner member of the NEU Pension Scheme


If you’d like to know more about what the role entails, visit the Pension Regulator’s website for information: https://www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk/en/trustees/understanding-your-role/becoming-a-new-pension-trustee


Current MNTs would also welcome any questions you might have about the role. Please contact the scheme administrators (contact details can be found here: https://www.neupensions.co.uk/KeyContacts/ContactUs) to arrange such a conversation.


All eligible members will receive further details, including nomination forms, in early 2025.